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Do you understand the form and craftsmanship of the fence?


Do you understand the form and craftsmanship of the fence?


Fencing refers to the measures taken to isolate the construction site from the external environment and make it a relatively enclosed space. Fencing, a complete wall, is very beneficial for advertising and promotion. There are also various forms of fencing circulating on the market, symbolizing the impression of enterprises, shopping malls, real estate, brands, etc. in the area, and its role cannot be ignored. Today I'll talk to you about the form and craftsmanship of the fence!


The height and requirements of the fence



The height of the fence is generally above 2 meters, with common ones being 2 meters, 4 meters, 6 meters, and 8 meters, or 12 meters higher. The surface of the fence should match the rendering and promotional images of the project.


For fences with a height of less than 4 meters, a single column type is generally used, and the foundation is excavated at a depth of about 1 meter underground. The column adopts a diameter of 140mm or 189mm.


For fences with a height of more than 4 meters, a double column type is generally used, and the underground deep excavation foundation is adjusted according to the height. The double columns have diameters ranging from 114mm to 219mm.


The form and process of enclosure



Painted cloth type fence


In general, it is recommended to prioritize this form, as it is the most convenient and widely used form for production. This form is also commonly used for brand upgrades in shopping malls, as well as for sports field fence advertisements. A spray painted cloth style fence is composed of materials such as spray painted cloth, steel structural components, LED strip lights, PVC sheets, etc.


Staggered fence


Staggered fence is an extension of conventional construction site fence, usually displayed in a form of staggered height. The staggered fence has no limit on the height difference, and is generally designed reasonably based on project positioning and customer groups.


Three-dimensional fence


A three-dimensional wall, which uses three-dimensional components (such as sculptures) instead of a flat surface, has a unique display effect and is expensive. It is a luxurious wall construction method.


Stereoscopic luminous fence


The relief with internal lighting is mainly used, some of which are ultra high definition spray painting, with irregular structural shapes and luminous three-dimensional characters. It has good display performance at night and a high sense of quality, and can be used to elevate the tone of projects. It is suitable for first tier, strong second tier, provincial capital, and key urban landscape projects.


Showcase style fence



This type of fence is made of steel structural components, which are tightly and firmly assembled. The exterior is made of PVC baffles, and the display window is made of glass material. Different angles of light are added for illumination, and illuminated text is used to emphasize the content.


Green plant type fence


A new type of enclosure that combines iron sheet enclosure with green potted plants. Although the cost is relatively high, the simulated green plant enclosure has a better effect and a more exquisite shape. It can enhance the appearance of construction sites and urban image, and achieve standardization and landscape management of construction project enclosure settings.


More importantly, after the construction is completed, the green plant enclosure can be removed, cleaned, and reused, making it a very environmentally friendly new type of enclosure. Therefore, it is also widely chosen by many parks and squares, and has various forms.

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