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发布时间:2024-05-15 来源:http://www.gongyingrui.cn/


Application characteristics of electronic fence technology


Electronic fence is currently the most advanced peripheral anti-theft alarm system software, which mainly consists of three parts: electronic fence host, front-end accessories, and back-end control system. Generally speaking, electronic fence hosts are installed and used outdoors along the original wall railings (such as brick walls, cement walls, or iron fences). Pulse electronic fence hosts are also generally outdoors, using data signal transmission devices to transmit alarm information to the control keyboard of the backend control center, display the operation status of the information defense zone, and remotely control the deployment and removal of external pulse hosts.


The functions of electronic fences


1. High voltage pulse electronic fence with complete and clear boundaries, electrostatic induction fence with strong blocking and deterrent effects.



2. Equipped with intelligent alarm function with low false alarm rate.


3. A regular alarm interface that can communicate with other security monitoring system software, enhancing the security protection level of the software.


4. The electronic fence has the distinct feature of "defense as the main focus and alarm as the auxiliary"

以上就是有关 济南围挡 的介绍,想了解更多的内容请点击:http://www.gongyingrui.cn 我们将会全心全意为您提供满分服务,欢迎您的来电!

The above is an introduction to Jinan fence. To learn more, please click: http://www.gongyingrui.cn We will wholeheartedly provide you with full score service. Welcome to call us!

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