



常见问题 当前位置:首页-新闻资讯-常见问题工地安全通道:进入施工现场应该如何注意防范?


发布时间:2024-05-20 来源:http://www.gongyingrui.cn/


1. When entering the construction site, it is necessary to wear a safety helmet correctly (fasten the chin strap, keep the helmet intact), and do not wear loose clothing, short sleeves, shorts, high heels, slippers, and other clothing. Barefoot or shirtless entry into the construction site is not allowed.


2. At the construction site, one must be cautious and highly focused, and prefer to take a hundred steps instead of taking any risks.


3. When entering the construction site, it is necessary to use a safe passage. If any safety hazards are found in the path or passage entering the construction site, it is not allowed to pass through.


4. Pay attention to passing vehicles and the roads leading to the construction site. Walk on sidewalks and do not walk on the lanes to prevent vehicle injuries.


5. Do not play or chase around on site.



6. Before entering the construction site, one should adjust and stabilize their mindset, concentrate their energy, and maintain a high level of safety awareness. Prevent disruptions to psychological state due to holidays, winter breaks, family affairs, etc., and prevent distractions during on-site work, resulting in safety accidents.


7. When entering the construction site, always pay attention to the falling of objects from high altitude and above the head (including roof edge, floor edge, balcony edge, foundation pit edge, reserved holes, elevator shaft mouth, stair opening), falling of scaffolds, falling of * * racks and tower cranes during installation and removal, falling of formwork during installation and removal, and falling of structures and equipment during lifting.


8. Always pay attention to the occurrence of collapse accidents: the formwork support of cast-in-place concrete beams and slabs is unstable and collapses; Excavation slope instability causing soil and rock collapse; Collapse during demolition engineering; The quality of the walls and roof panels under construction is poor and collapsed.


10. It is prohibited to observe and stay near excavation trenches with safety hazards.


11. Always pay attention to object strikes, and there may be splashes and drops of unknown objects at intersections and passageways on the same vertical working surface.


12. Special attention should be paid to the occurrence of electric shock accidents. It is strictly prohibited to approach or touch unprotected electrical circuits, touch various electrical appliances and equipment, and approach or touch switch boxes, distribution cabinets, etc.

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This article is a friendly contribution from the construction site safety passage. For more related knowledge, please click: http://www.gongyingrui.cn Sincere attitude, providing you with comprehensive service. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone, please stay tuned.

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