



公司动态 当前位置:首页-新闻资讯-公司动态彩钢围挡的主要材质有哪些?


发布时间:2024-08-15 来源:http://www.gongyingrui.cn/


Color steel fence


Color steel enclosure is a type of enclosure mainly made of color steel plates. It has the characteristics of easy installation, flexible disassembly and assembly, light weight, and corrosion resistance. Color steel fences are usually used for short-term or frequently dismantled construction projects, such as road construction, bridge construction, etc. Due to its poor toughness, easy deformation, and average aesthetic appeal, its service life is relatively short, usually around one year.


PVC fence



PVC fence is a material made of polyethylene and calcium powder in a ratio. It has the characteristics of good toughness, not easily damaged or brittle, high smoothness and aesthetics, and easy cleaning. PVC fences can be used for more than three years, but they are relatively difficult to install and may cause wear and tear when removed and reused. Therefore, it is usually used for long-term fixed construction, such as housing construction, subway construction, etc.


Metal fence


Metal fence is a type of fence mainly made of steel plate. It has the characteristics of high strength, low deformation, higher aesthetics and smoothness, and a service life of more than 3 years. Metal fences are usually used in important construction sites, such as highway construction, bridge construction, etc. However, it should be noted that metal fences are prone to deformation, so maintenance and upkeep are necessary during installation and use.


This article is a friendly contribution from Jinan fence. For more related knowledge, please click: http://www.gongyingrui.cn Sincere attitude. We provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Please stay tuned

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