



公司动态 当前位置:首页-新闻资讯-公司动态济南围挡:彩钢板围挡使用时要注意什么?


发布时间:2024-04-17 来源:http://www.gongyingrui.cn/


1. The unit using the color steel plate fence should regularly inspect the fence, and take reinforcement measures when damage, settlement, tilting, and other dangerous situations are found.


2. It should not be hung, posted, constructed, or advertised on the lightweight color steel plate fence. If it is necessary to install it, the force range should be specified and calculated through design.


3. The height of the color steel plate fence on general road sections shall not be less than 1.8 meters, and the height of the color steel plate fence on main urban roads shall not be less than 2.2m-2.5m.



4. Key points for civilized construction control on the construction site. The construction area adopts a closed management mode, and a guard room should be set up at the entrance and exit of the site. The site should be surrounded by fully enclosed color steel plates, which should be sturdy, clean, and beautiful, and continuously set up along the surrounding area of the site.


5. The materials we see all say this, but we haven't found a strong planning basis.


6. In areas with high personnel flow, it is advisable to use color steel plate fences instead of randomly building color steel plates. In urban * CBD areas, lawns can also be chosen as flat and aesthetically pleasing.


7. The enclosure of construction and living areas is generally not less than 2.5m in the urban area, and not less than 1.8m in other places.


8. The height of the color steel plate fence should not exceed 2.5m, and the distance between the columns should not exceed 3.0m. Cross wind calculation should be conducted.


9. The color steel plate enclosure and foundation should be designed for on-site calculation, comply with construction standards and regulations, and implement resource recycling standards.


10. Color steel plate fences should be sturdy, stable, neat, and aesthetically pleasing. Hard materials such as cut bodies and color steel plates should be used, and colored cloth strips, bamboo poles, solid bricks, etc. should not be used. Red warning lights should also be installed in municipal road engineering.


Color steel plate enclosure is environmentally friendly and economical, can be recycled, has a low loss rate, does not produce construction waste, and does not pollute the environment.


This article is provided by Jinan Fenfang for you. Our website is: http://www.gongyingrui.cn We will provide you with wholehearted enthusiasm and welcome your visit!

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