



公司动态 当前位置:首页-新闻资讯-公司动态济南围挡:金属围挡的种类和特点有哪些?


发布时间:2024-04-29 来源:http://www.gongyingrui.cn/


1、 The type of metal fence: Iron fence is a common type of metal fence, mainly composed of galvanized steel strips and aluminum alloy strips. Iron sheet fences have good wind and earthquake resistance performance, and their prices are relatively low, so they are widely used in construction sites, road construction sites, and other places. However, the disadvantage of metal fences is that they are prone to rusting and have a shorter lifespan.


P-shaped steel fence: P-shaped steel fence is a new type of metal fence, mainly composed of galvanized steel strip and cold-formed channel steel. P-shaped steel fence has good wind and seismic resistance performance, and its service life is relatively long, generally up to 10 years or more. In addition, P-shaped steel fences also have good sound insulation and thermal insulation effects, making them suitable for places with high requirements for noise and temperature.


What are the types and characteristics of metal fences?


U-shaped steel fence: U-shaped steel fence is a common metal fence, mainly composed of galvanized steel strip and cold-formed channel steel. The U-shaped steel fence has good wind and seismic resistance performance, and is easy to install and aesthetically pleasing. However, the disadvantage of U-shaped steel fences is that they are prone to rusting and have a shorter service life.



Color steel plate fence: Color steel plate fence is a metal fence made of colored coated steel plate, which has good anti-corrosion and rust prevention performance. The color of the color steel plate fence is rich, and different colors can be customized according to actual needs, suitable for places with high appearance requirements. However, the price of color steel plate fences is relatively high and installation is cumbersome.


2、 The characteristics of metal fences are strong wind and seismic resistance: Metal fences are mainly made of metal sheets, which have strong wind and seismic resistance and can effectively resist the invasion of natural disasters such as strong winds and earthquakes.


Easy installation: The installation method of metal fence is simple, just fix the metal sheet on the ground or wall. In addition, the metal fence is easy to disassemble, reusable, and saves resources.


Beautiful and generous: The metal fence has good decorative properties and can be customized with different colors and styles of metal sheets according to actual needs, meeting the aesthetic needs of different places.


What are the types and characteristics of metal fences?


Good sound insulation and thermal insulation effect: Some metal enclosures are made of cold-formed channel steel and other materials, which have good sound insulation and thermal insulation effects and are suitable for places with high requirements for noise and temperature.


Good anti-corrosion and rust prevention performance: The metal fence is made of materials such as galvanized steel strip, which has good anti-corrosion and rust prevention performance and a long service life.


What are the types and characteristics of metal fences?


Environmental protection and energy conservation: The main material of metal fences is metal, which can be recycled and reused, meeting the requirements of environmental protection and energy conservation.


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