



公司动态 当前位置:首页-新闻资讯-公司动态设置施工围挡时应注意什么?


发布时间:2024-07-08 来源:http://www.gongyingrui.cn/


Construction fence is a protective measure set up during the construction process to protect the safety of surrounding personnel and property, used to surround the construction area. The main function of construction fences is to isolate the construction site from the external space, effectively preventing construction waste, equipment, and materials from sliding and hitting pedestrians or vehicles, and preventing noise, dust, and other pollution and hazards to the surrounding environment during the construction process. It is also used to delineate construction areas, facilitating management and construction.


And when setting up construction fences, several requirements should be met:


1、 When setting up construction fences, they should strictly comply with relevant national laws and regulations to ensure construction safety and surrounding environmental hygiene.



2、 In order to protect the safety of pedestrians, the setting of construction fences should leave enough space for pedestrians to pass through, and set up crossing passages and warning signs to remind pedestrians to detour or pass with caution


3、 Construction fences should use appropriate materials and structures to ensure stability, firmness, and ease of installation and disassembly.


4、 The construction fence should cover the construction site to prevent construction waste and other debris from spreading to the surrounding environment, and maintain the cleanliness of the construction site.


In short, construction fencing is an essential measure in building construction, and its design and setting should consider factors such as safety, convenience, and environmental protection. At the same time, the construction fence should be removed in a timely manner after the construction is completed to maintain a clean and beautiful surrounding environment.


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