



公司动态 当前位置:首页-新闻资讯-公司动态配电箱防护棚安装要注意什么?


发布时间:2024-07-15 来源:http://www.gongyingrui.cn/


1. Connect the third level electrical box to the second level electrical box. The three-level electrical box needs to ensure "one box, one machine, one switch, and one leakage", and only two motors and sockets can be connected under one leakage protector. Overall, third class electrical boxes have high maneuverability and strong mobility, and need to be fixed in place and grounded. The power supply at the construction site must strictly follow the temporary power supply regulations and adopt the TN-S zero protection system.



2. The secondary power box should be connected to the primary power box and placed in a planned location on the construction site, and should not be moved arbitrarily. There is a temporary power protection shed outside. The protective shed of the secondary distribution box is composed of 2.4-1.96 meter high protective railings. A square tube with an outer length of 30 millimeters and a thickness of 2.5 millimeters should be welded to a square tube with an inner length of 25 millimeters and a thickness of 2 millimeters. The canopy roof is made up of special frames that are approximately 500mm (height) and 2420mm (width) spliced together. The frame is welded from square rectangular tubes with a side length of 30 millimeters and a thickness of 2.5 millimeters. The extension bracket is composed of square rectangular tubes with a side length of 25 millimeters and a thickness of 2 millimeters. The scaffolding extending from each side (25mm, 2mm) is inserted into the vertical poles of the shed (30mm, 2.5mm). Welding of 40mm and 40mm rectangular pipes on the main frame of the protective shed. The spacing between the rectangular square tubes of the shed is 15cm, with a total height of 2.8m and a width of 1.5-2m. The front of the protective shed is equipped with a gate.


3. Two layers of protection are installed at the bottom of the distribution box protective shed to prevent rain and damage. Hang operation instructions and safety warning signs on the front of the protective shed, and set up the construction company logo on the hat. The fence is coated with red and white (yellow, black) warning paint to serve as a warning and achieve the purpose of anti-corrosion and durability. The protective shed can not only be used for distribution boxes, but also for reinforcing construction sites, such as falling areas, woodworking cutting areas, first floor elevator entrances and exits, mixers, etc.

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