



公司动态 当前位置:首页-新闻资讯-公司动态工地大门设置要求要注意什么?


发布时间:2024-07-22 来源:http://www.gongyingrui.cn/


Requirements for setting up construction site gates:


1. The height of the ground safety protection shed and the spacing between the columns should meet the requirements for the passage of personnel.


2. The transportation of construction materials should be arranged at night as much as possible.


3. The access roads within the construction site are arranged according to the location of the factory roads. Based on the site survey, after leveling the site, 25cm of ballast is laid and used as construction access roads after being rolled by a road roller. The access road is 4 meters wide and drainage ditches are installed on both sides of the road.


4. Set up entrance and exit gates and connect roads. Set up safety signs at intersections, set up lighting facilities and hang red lights at night, and prohibit foreign vehicles from entering and leaving.


5. During the construction process, materials and machinery must not be piled up or parked on the construction access road, and the road must be kept clear 24 hours a day.



6. During the construction period, there are a large number of earthwork transportation vehicles. In order to improve efficiency and based on the actual situation, a vehicle turning point is set up within the construction site.


7. Due to excavation of foundation pits, it is possible to cause collapse of access roads, and protective measures must be taken and safety warning signs must be set up.


8. When excavating a foundation pit at the roadside, it is necessary to set up guardrails for protection, turn on sufficient lighting at night, and set up red lights for warning.


9. On site dump truck, personnel and vehicles must be designated and certified to work, and regular inspections and maintenance of brakes, steering systems, etc. must be carried out.


10. Send people to clean the sidewalk every day to ensure cleanliness and smoothness.


11. The on-site traffic is managed by a dedicated person. If there are any violations, they will be stopped in a timely manner and fines will be imposed if necessary.


12. Manage the issuance of permits for construction vehicles, and organize drivers to familiarize themselves with the site and driving routes before construction.


13. Ensure the hygiene of the surrounding environment, ensure the smoothness of the construction access road, and regularly maintain it to ensure the safety of passing vehicles.

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