



行业动态 当前位置:首页-新闻资讯-行业动态工地安全通道:施工现场的这些“生命通道”,你了解吗?


发布时间:2024-09-02 来源:http://www.gongyingrui.cn/


  This June is the 23rd National "Safety Production Month", and the theme of the event has been confirmed as "Everyone talks about safety, everyone knows how to respond to emergencies - smooth the passage of life". Safe passage plays a crucial role in production and daily life. As a lifeline in emergency situations, it ensures that personnel can evacuate quickly and orderly, effectively avoiding congestion and trampling, thereby significantly reducing the risk of accident injuries.



  As a key area for safety management, construction sites face multiple risk factors such as high-altitude operations, mechanical equipment operations, and personnel mobility. To effectively manage these risks, it is particularly important to establish and maintain safe channels.


  01 Common construction safety passages


  The horizontal safety passage protective shed adopts a tool type safety passage protective shed, which can be used as a safe passage for personnel and vehicles to enter and exit, as well as a first floor protective shed for construction elevators.


  Personnel ramp up and down


  The personnel ramp is a dedicated pathway for construction personnel to go up and down. Regardless of whether the construction personnel reach the operating floor, floor, or external scaffolding, they can safely walk horizontally, which improves the safety and convenience of their walking. When necessary, the construction ramp is also a fire escape route for fire accidents.


  The tool type steel ladder is suitable for all buildings that require maintenance and safety ladders, and can be used for building maintenance and construction to provide safety protection. After the assembly of the tool type steel ladder, various parts can be freely assembled and disassembled, making it convenient for workers to assemble on site.


  Vertical climbing ladder


  Vertical climbing ladders should be welded to buildings or equipment, consisting of ladder beams, pedals, fall arresters, connecting plates, and other components. When in use, the ladder and fall arresters should be installed on steel beams or columns. Operators should face the ladder when climbing, and should not hold objects in their hands during climbing. It is strictly prohibited for two people to climb at the same time.


This article is a friendly contribution from Jinan fence. For more related knowledge, please click: http://www.gongyingrui.cn/ Sincere attitude. We provide you with excellent service. We will gradually contribute more knowledge to you. Please stay tuned

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