



行业动态 当前位置:首页-新闻资讯-行业动态临边防护栏搭建标准是什么?


发布时间:2024-04-20 来源:http://www.gongyingrui.cn/


What are the standards for edge protection fences that need to be established during the construction process? Before building, it is important to understand in advance. Next, the border guardrail manufacturer will introduce some knowledge about this area. Let's follow this article to learn more.


The specifications and standards for edge protection fences stipulate that when the excavation depth reaches 2m or more, protective railings must be installed around the perimeter. The height of the railing should not be less than 1.2m, and the distance between the upright poles should not exceed 2m. There are many types of guardrails, usually using eye-catching red, white, and black yellow colors.


Edge protection function:



1. Make the construction site cleaner, more aesthetically pleasing, and more civilized and safe.


2. Prevent passing motor vehicles from getting too close to the edge and causing landslides.


3. Prevent workers from accidentally falling in. Prevent debris from falling in and causing harm to internal workers.


What are the standards for building edge guardrails? Analysis of the Standard for Building Border Protection Fences Across the Network


Height and facilities of edge protective railings:


1. The edge protection is made of 30 × 30mm square steel, the column is made of 50 × 50mm square steel, and the base is firmly fixed to the ground with expansion bolts.


2. The height of the protective railing pole is 1200mm, the height of the railing is 1200mm, and the standard length is 2000mm. Each level is painted with red, white, or black yellow warning paint, and a safety warning sign is set in the middle position. A 200mm high red, white, or black yellow alternating foot board is set at the bottom.


3. Drainage measures: Set up drainage ditches on the outside of the protective railing and adopt organized drainage.


4. Set up night warning lights around the area.


5. Warning signs can also be hung on the outer side of the guardrail and on the inner side.

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