



行业动态 当前位置:首页-新闻资讯-行业动态济南工地大门的生产制作有哪些标准


发布时间:2024-04-22 来源:http://www.gongyingrui.cn/


1. The color of the construction site gate body should adopt the standard color of our company to visually identify the affiliated enterprise of the project department.


2. The door leaf is an impermeable closed door with rollers installed at the bottom, which can be made into a flat or sliding door. The height of the upper frame of the door leaf is 2000mm, and the clear distance between columns is 4000-6000mm. Small doors are not allowed to be installed on the door leaf, and a separate door (900mm wide x 2000mm high) should be installed on the outside of the door pillar. Six signs and one picture should be placed on one side of the small door.



3. The middle company of the construction site gate is abbreviated as Wei Ti Hongzi (with a 20mm yellow edge), with a height of 550mm and a total width of 2880mm. The bottom line of the text is aligned with the horizontal centerline of the door. Below the centerline of the right door leaf is in bold font, with a total height of 160mm and default font width and spacing for the project department name.

4、两侧门柱高度 3000mm(不包括司徽),门柱正面宽度600mm,门柱头为倒喇叭形方顶,方顶尺寸900mm长×900mm宽×100mm高,柱头总高250mm。门柱上对联为魏体加粗,阅读顺序从右往左,要求字宽430mm、对联总高2000mm。各企业应定制有企业特色的对联文字。

4. The height of the door pillars on both sides is 3000mm (excluding the company emblem), and the width of the front of the door pillar is 600mm. The head of the door pillar is a trumpet shaped square top, with a size of 900mm long x 900mm wide x 100mm high. The total height of the column head is 250mm. The couplets on the door pillar are bolded in Wei style, and the reading order is from right to left. The width of the characters is 430mm, and the total height of the couplets is 2000mm. Each enterprise should customize couplet text with its own characteristics.

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