



行业动态 当前位置:首页-新闻资讯-行业动态装配式钢结构围挡在市政工程使用


发布时间:2024-03-05 来源:http://www.gongyingrui.cn/


The production and installation of a new prefabricated steel structure enclosure is convenient and fast. The unique installation and splicing method saves 80% of installation time compared to color steel plates and square tubes.
Characteristics of steel structure enclosure:
(1) Rich in color, bright and non fading.
There are nearly 30 different colors for you to choose from, with commonly used colors generally within 10. Special colors can be customized. Due to the use of high-temperature paint spraying, the color durability and saturation are extended by more than 5 times compared to ordinary materials.
(2) Due to its high cost-effectiveness, it will become a popular trend.喷绘牌匾易老化,已被淘汰,铝塑板、工期长、造价太高不能应用,彩钢板和方管造价高、色彩单一且易生锈很难被商家认可。
Painted plaques are prone to aging and have been phased out. Aluminum plastic panels have a long construction period and high cost, which cannot be applied. Colored steel plates and square tubes have high cost, single color, and are prone to rusting, making it difficult for merchants to recognize them.
The steel structure enclosure has high temperature resistance, flame retardancy, sound absorption, shock resistance, insect resistance, anti-corrosion, non-toxic, odorless, and pollution-free properties, and is directly attached with reflective strips. High strength, bending resistance, and toughness, it can be used for various module combinations, making disassembly and assembly convenient and fast, and can be reused.
Steel structure enclosure purpose:
Steel structure fences are suitable for installation on various surface foundations (soft and hard), various terrains (up and down slopes), and various safety protection sites. They have anti-theft, anti intrusion, waterproof soil loss, and anti splash functions for various construction sites, construction sites, urban road construction, road repair, and building construction fences.
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