



行业动态 当前位置:首页-新闻资讯-行业动态济南配电箱防护棚:配电箱的防护等级是如何划分的?


发布时间:2024-05-28 来源:http://www.gongyingrui.cn/


The protection level of the distribution box is divided according to the standards of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), mainly referring to the protective ability of the distribution box shell against external objects, water, and dust.

  具体的防护等级分为 IP20、IP30、IP40、IP54、IP65 等。其中,IP 中的个数字表示防尘等级,第二个数字表示防水等级,数字越大表示其防护等级越佳。具体如下:

The specific protection level is divided into IP20 IP30, IP40, IP54, IP65, etc. Among them, The first number in the IP represents the dust level, the second number represents the waterproof level, and the larger the number, the better its protection level. Specifically, as follows:

  1. IP20:只能防护直径大于12.5毫米的物体进入,不能防护水和灰尘的侵入,适用于干燥、无尘、无腐蚀气体的室内环境。

1. IP20: It can only protect objects with a diameter greater than 12.5 millimeters from entering, and cannot prevent the intrusion of water and dust. It is suitable for dry, dust-free, and corrosion-free indoor environments.

  2. IP30:能够防护直径大于2.5毫米的物体进入,不能防护水和灰尘的侵入,适用于一般的室内环境。


2. IP30: It can prevent objects with a diameter greater than 2.5 millimeters from entering and cannot prevent the intrusion of water and dust. It is suitable for general indoor environments.

  3. IP40:能够防护直径大于1毫米的物体进入,不能防护水的侵入,适用于一般的室内环境。

3. IP40: It can prevent objects with a diameter greater than 1 millimeter from entering and cannot prevent water intrusion. It is suitable for general indoor environments.


It should be noted that the protection level can be combined according to requirements, such as IP46. However, the commonly used protection level for high-voltage distribution cabinets is IP40, while the commonly used protection level for low-voltage distribution cabinets is IP30.

以上就是有关:济南配电箱防护棚 的介绍,想了解更多的内容请点击:http://www.gongyingrui.cn 我们将会全心全意为您提供满分服务,欢迎您的来电!

The above is an introduction to Jinan distribution box protective shed. For more information, please click: http://www.gongyingrui.cn We will wholeheartedly provide you with full score service. Welcome to call us!

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