



行业动态 当前位置:首页-新闻资讯-行业动态隔爆型防爆配电箱安装时需要注意什么?


发布时间:2024-06-27 来源:http://www.gongyingrui.cn/


1. Protective sheds should be set up at the entrance and exit of the main passage of the building.


The width of the shed is greater than the entrance, with a length of 1m at each end. The depth dimension should comply with the safety protection range for high-altitude operations. The falling radii (R) are: when the height of the falling object is 2-5m, R is 3m; When the height of the falling object is 5-15m, R is 4m; When the height of the falling object is 15-30m, R is 5m; When the height of the falling object is greater than 30m, R is 6m.


2. If the distance between the inner (outer) road edge and the edge of the building (or outer scaffold) is less than the falling radius, a safety passage should be erected.



3. Double layer protective sheds should be erected above woodworking processing sites, steel reinforcement processing sites, and other areas where objects may fall or fall within the range of crane adjustment and rotation.


4. The safety protection shed should adopt a double-layer protection method. When using scaffolding, the layer spacing should be 600mm, and the laying direction should be perpendicular to each other.


5. Each type of protective shed should have a separate support system, which is reliable and safe to fix. It is strictly prohibited to use bamboo for installation, and it is not allowed to hang on the external frame.


6. Non entrance signs should be set up to prohibit entry and exit.


This article is a friendly contribution from the construction site safety passage. For more related knowledge, please click: http://www.gongyingrui.cn Sincere attitude. We will provide you with comprehensive service. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Stay tuned

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